Saturday, April 19, 2008

Spring cleaning continues!

The forecast for today was for rain. I am glad the weather man was so wrong... it was so nice today. I got some more of my flower beds cleaned up. My brother even delivered my trailer and lawn furniture, that I had stored in my Mom's garage for the winter. It was nice to be able to sit down and rest between my many trips to the trailer to empty my garden tote with all the clean-up debris.

This is the pond bed...We made the cement path last year and I inspected it today. It held up perfectly, even in the harsh winter we had. I will be adding a path in the other flower bed this year and hopfully connect the two.

The gardener's work is never at end; it begins with the year, and continuesto the next: he prepares the ground, and then he sows it; after that he plants, and then he gathers the fruits....- John Evelyn, Kalendarium Hortense, 1706

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